Monday, September 20, 2010

School Lovers

it was 2007 when i joined APS DK(school). that time i was in 10th when i met her(priyanka). we both rarely talked to each other and were not even good friends either but on 24thdec07, clearly remember that day coz it was a beginning of a new chapter in my life which would continue forever. on this day i sent her first message that too “I LOVE YOU’, actually it was a mistake after that i was really scared that she might not talk to me ever after that but it was the other way. we became good friends infact best friends very soon. then came the exams but that hardly stopped our talks. then in 11th our classes changed coz i was a science student and she opted for commerce.

we kept meeting in schools whenever we had free periods of got free time. soon i realised that i was in love with her. first time in my lyf i felt like this for someone but didn’t had the courage to tell her what i felt. to know what she felt bout me i started avoiding and paid less attention to her, even when she was in front of me and since she also loved me she didn’t like that at all. we had a couple of big fights on this. a few times we had almost changed our paths. but above all that was love that i had in my heart for her. i didn’t let her go away from me.

my way of proposing her was very common, proposed her on new year. 1stjan09, but she didn’t say yes instantly. she tested me if i was perfect for her. and then in april she went out of town and staying away from me made her realise how much she loves me. she came back and then expressed her feelings to me…it was the best moment of my life…and since then we are together. we are enjoying every second that we spend together. i wish to spend my entire life with her…