Sunday, August 21, 2011

True Love Wallpapers

True Love Wallpapers

To know what is true love you need to analyze the feelings. It happens most of the times that you think it is true love and then after sometime you realize it never was. Now these mistakes are unpardonable and you can feel guilty forever. The confusion can be easily solved if you give yourself the time. Rushing in love is the first blatant mistake. Stay calm and you are sure to find the man or woman of your dreams.

Love is made in heaven and if someone is made for you, you will surely find him or her. Be sure about love and its meaning for you. Basic instinct and love has a vast difference. If you just want to be physical then it is definitely not love. Love is crazy, it is passion, it leaves you craving for your partners company no matter what. True love shares, true love cares, true love is what lasts forever.

I could not see a single thing,
Words from my eyes did start.
They spoke as chords do from the string,
And blood burnt round my heart.

- An extract from "First Love" by John Clare

True love is very tough to find but it is even tougher to keep. So approach only if love comes from the heart and not the hormones.

True love wallpaper on your computer screen or your cell phones expresses your dedication towards love. Make use of the variety of true love wallpapers and see the expression on your beloveds face. You would be a happier soul forever.
True Love Wallpapers
True Love Wallpapers
True Love Wallpapers
True Love Wallpapers
True Love Wallpapers
True Love Wallpapers
True Love Wallpapers
True Love Wallpapers
Ballad for my one true love- Mason Jennings (full audio only)
Wallpaper NO.02 True Heart of Love