Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Love Messages -2

Love Message From:    Sinister
Age & Location:    London
Love Message To:    My Sweet Princess
Age & Location:    London
Your Message:

Today I wrote a song,
I had no guitars or violins,
But i was singing our love,
In the most perfect and beautiful song,

Today I wrote a song,
I had no instruments, it’s true!
But the perfection of the melody,
And the power of the song,
Was such that you could hear,
The song in your heart.

Today I wrote a song,
As perfect as our love,
And I know in my heart,
You could feel deep inside,
The song in your head,
The melody in your hears,
A gentle kiss in your lips,
And the words in your heart.

Today I wrote a song,
Without instruments I could,
Celebrate our love,
And sing it for eternity,
And the song I sing,
Is the song you feel,
The perfection of love,
The power of a dream,
Of two souls together,
In one journey in life.